Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Project 1

We took several different sounds and kind of just tested them together. After many unsuccessful attempts and doing the project totally wrong we found something that worked. I was inspired by Black Eyed Peas and his unique drum loops, so i just went with something of my own that sounded unique and different to me.We stuck with the 'kick' sound in every pattern to just kind of have a constant beat. Here and there we added some flavor with a snare or deeper drum beat. We mixed with the drum loops and this is what we came out with.

-Ryan / Padraig


  1. This is a good loop with very interesting sounds. The drums you chose gave the beat a very ethnic feel. I like how after eight or nine seconds you almost double timed the bass drum, which created a cool feel.I also like how the loop broke down in the second half and focused more in on the clap and bass drums.Nice job.

  2. You did follow the form exactly, and all of your fills are appropriate. I'm not a huge fan of using toms in a drum beat- I like them more for fills, but you managed to make it work here.

  3. I really liked this drum loop, especially how you used your drum beats. I also liked the clap at the end of the drum beat at the end of your first drum beat and how your loop was not too busy but it wasn't boring.
